A super easy way to get the front of your thighs feeling better, especially if they’re burning from resistance training or high intensity cardio. Just make sure the knee is pointing to the floor!
Want to work almost every muscle in your legs and lower body? Lunges are it! A power-house movement that can be done at-home or in the gym, lunges will work the front, back, and sides of your legs!
An all-around excellent workout for your posterior chain, Glute Bridges are an easy at-home option for getting into your glutes and hamstrings!
If you have a hard time touching your toes, this is the movement for you! This will give you a great stretch through the back of your legs.
The 90/90 is an excellent stretch that will help with pain and stiffness in the Glutes, Piriformis, Psoas, Hip Flexors, Hip Abductors, Adductors
A fantastic squat variation that will increase strength, flexibility, and ankle and hip mobility. Interestingly, it is also wonderful for working on core strength and stability.