For most of us, we are taught from a very early age what are values are. They are communicated via family, religion, and society. For most of us in the U.S. that means marriage between a man and a woman, having children, and living behind a white picket fence. Or are they? Watch here for insight into how to get over society’s values and find your own.
A description of what sets this fitness program apart from all the rest, an explanation for why it will be the last one you ever need, and an overview of the 6 month commitment that will change your life.
So often people come to personal trainers with the wrong goal. They think that living in the smaller/stronger/toned body will make them happier. What they don't realize is that the problem is not the size/type of their body, it's the shame they've been socialized to feel about their body.
Learn how to deal with and change the insidious thoughts that threaten do derail your commitment to fitness...AGAIN.
An often unaddressed obstacle to a woman's success in a fitness program is the fact that the gym is uncomfortable.
This workout is the second installment in my New Movers Series. All of the movements are coached in the video library and I strongly suggest taking a look at those BEFORE starting this workout! Have fun! This workout runs about 30 minutes and does require a few pieces of equipment such as a band kit.
A super easy way to get the front of your thighs feeling better, especially if they’re burning from resistance training or high intensity cardio. Just make sure the knee is pointing to the floor!
One of my favorite movements of all time! Nothing will shape and strengthen your lower body and GLUTES like the squat.
A challenging modification for the traditional plank, the one-legged plank will force more tension and stabilization through the core and the shoulders. Get ready for the muscle shakes!
This movement is a rockstar working everything from your shoulders right down to your glutes AND it keeps the heart rate up for the delicious cardio burn!
Want to work almost every muscle in your legs and lower body? Lunges are it! A power-house movement that can be done at-home or in the gym, lunges will work the front, back, and sides of your legs!
A modified crunch that allows you to keep your spine straight, this is one of my preferred exercises for the rectus abdominus (six pack muscles). Please keep in mind though, six packs are made in the kitchen not by doing countless ab exercises.
An all-around excellent workout for your posterior chain, Glute Bridges are an easy at-home option for getting into your glutes and hamstrings!
Grap a Swiss Ball and get yourself ready for lat work like pull-ups, pull-downs, and face-pulls.
Often called “huggers” this is a great stretch for opening up your chest.
If you have a hard time touching your toes, this is the movement for you! This will give you a great stretch through the back of your legs.
If you’ve been missing middle school PE, here’s your chance to reminisce…(insert wicked laughing)…ANYWAY this movement is great for getting warmed up…if it isn’t triggering.
A great cardio option for small spaces, high knees will get your heart rate up and warm-up your legs. Compact enough to do at-home or in the gym, this movement is also a great addition to HIIT workouts!
This is a quick and easy cardio exercise to get the heart rate up!
The 90/90 is an excellent stretch that will help with pain and stiffness in the Glutes, Piriformis, Psoas, Hip Flexors, Hip Abductors, Adductors
A fantastic squat variation that will increase strength, flexibility, and ankle and hip mobility. Interestingly, it is also wonderful for working on core strength and stability.
Welcome to Hygeia Fitness! I’m Coach Nichole and I will be your guide on this amazing journey. Over the past decade, I’ve learned a lot, seen a lot, and earned a lot of certifications; All with the desire to improve the fitness industry for women.
Most women struggle to set boundaries and it seriously impedes their ability to reach their fitness goals. Learn why this happens and take comfort knowing it isn’t a character flaw on your part.
There are two types of goals: Exodus and Genesis. One of them will be successful because it comes from YOU. The other will fail because it comes from external sources.