For most of us, we are taught from a very early age what are values are. They are communicated via family, religion, and society. For most of us in the U.S. that means marriage between a man and a woman, having children, and living behind a white picket fence. Or are they? Watch here for insight into how to get over society’s values and find your own.
So often people come to personal trainers with the wrong goal. They think that living in the smaller/stronger/toned body will make them happier. What they don't realize is that the problem is not the size/type of their body, it's the shame they've been socialized to feel about their body.
Learn how to deal with and change the insidious thoughts that threaten do derail your commitment to fitness...AGAIN.
Most women struggle to set boundaries and it seriously impedes their ability to reach their fitness goals. Learn why this happens and take comfort knowing it isn’t a character flaw on your part.
There are two types of goals: Exodus and Genesis. One of them will be successful because it comes from YOU. The other will fail because it comes from external sources.